Overheard: Impulse 72

I’m happy that I was able to get him out. To this day, I sometimes think about what I could have done differently. You still wish you could have done something more. — Andrew Melhado, Carnegie Medal awardee #9998, who saved one boy from a burning vehicle, where two others perished

He needed a chance and hopefully I gave him that. – Thomas H. Hunnicutt, Carnegie Medal awardee #10141

The word ‘hero’ has been used to describe what we did that day. I am more partial to the word ‘human.’ I did what I hope most of us would do in such a horrific situation. When we allow another person to suffer in their most vulnerable moments we lose a piece of ourselves. We lose the ability to take those cold, sober inward glances into who we are as a species. – Jeffrey Johnson, Carnegie Medal awardee #10191

I think I was extremely lucky. We both were able to get out of there. Why he didn’t continue to attack? I thank God. — Kenneth Brian McCarter, Carnegie Medal awardee #10264

Never did I think I would start a GoFundMe, nor did I ever think I would attack a dog but there was no way I could let that lady be ravaged by this dog like she was without helping. — Evan Daniel Townsley, Carnegie Medal awardee #10274

Five years old is far too young. She has her whole life in front of her. I’m just glad we were there to save her. — Justin Leland Perry, Carnegie Medal #10277

I feel like I should keep the costume just so I can always remember, like, this is who you are. You’re somebody who’s going to help people if they need it. — Christopher Lee Taylor, Carnegie Medal awardee #10282, who was dressed as a super hero for Halloween on the night of his rescue.

I think the biggest thing we feel right now, it’s relief we didn’t have to witness something else happen that day.– Marena L. Kouba, Carnegie Medal awardee #10283

I don’t know how I picked him up because I know he’s got to be 250 pounds. The angels of the Lord must have been right there.  – Lewis A. Medina, Carnegie Medal awardee #10302

It just seemed that I had to or else a person was going to die. I wasn’t thinking too much about making it back or not but more about keeping the boy’s head above water. — Ross C. Johnson, Carnegie Medal awardee #10305