By Sybil P. Veeder, Chair, Executive Committee Carnegie Hero Fund Commission
2018 was an eventful year for the Commission. The organization awarded and celebrated its 10,000th Carnegie Medal for heroism, and in honor of the occasion, the Commission unveiled at the same time a hand-drawn rendering of the Hero Fund’s 1904 founding deed of trust, the final sentence of which reads:
“A finely-executed roll of the heroes and heroines will be kept displayed at the office in Pittsburgh.”
The roll of honor which Carnegie decreed in his founding document was also unveiled, as part of celebrations of the Commission’s work in honoring the more than 10,000 Carnegie heroes to date.
The Commission’s 10,000th hero milestone came at an important moment. It coincided with a collective effort by Carnegie institutions, far and wide, to mark the enduring legacy of their common founder as we approach the 100th anniversary of Carnegie’s death in 1919.

In continuing our daily work, we draw constant inspiration from the reminders we receive, in many forms, of the impact of our work and of the heroic actions of those we honor. Connie and Kevin Schroepfer, parents of Carnegie Hero Justin William Schroepfer, who died attempting to save two 22-year-old girls from drowning in Lake Superior, passed along their thanks for Justin’s award and recognition, along with this Bible verse (John 3:18), which has provided them comfort since Justin’s passing: “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other, let us really show it by our actions.” They noted that 3:18 p.m. is the presumed time of Justin’s death.