Commission Board Member Serves Hero Fund for 30 Years

Priscilla McCrady 30 years

At the Hero Fund’s 115th annual meeting held in June 2019, board member Priscilla “Sibby” J. McCrady was recognized for her 30 years of service on the Commission.

A resolution was prepared, framed, and presented to her at the meeting.

“Resolved, that the Minutes of the 115th Annual Meeting of the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission record its members’ acknowledgement of the distinguished service given by their esteemed colleague,” the resolution stated.

McCrady was elected to the board on June 22, 1989, as the first woman on the board. Her unbroken service has included active participation on the Salary and Benefits subcommittee and the Executive Committee, at one
time serving as chair and vice president of the Executive Committee.

“This Commission recognizes that any success in effecting the charitable purposes ascribed to it by Andrew Carnegie is due in no small part to the selfless participation and skill of its members, as exemplified by Sibby, and, …that this Commission extends its sincere appreciation to Sibby for her dedication, with every expectation and hope that it will remain her beneficiary for years to come,” the resolution stated.