Douglas Leroy Tallman, Sr.

Douglas Leroy Tallman, Sr.

A barber college student was eating breakfast with his family Feb. 27, 2019, at a Sacramento, Calif., diner when he saw a man pointing a pistol at the 19-year-old server at a register in the front of the restaurant. Douglas Leroy Tallman, Sr., 34, of Marysville, Calif., left his booth and walked toward the cashier. As he passed the man, he grasped the assailant’s hand that was holding the gun and wrapped his arm around the assailant’s throat. The two men struggled, Tallman taking the assailant to the floor. The server fled from the building. As Tallman’s adolescent son approached, the gun discharged a single bullet, fragments striking him in the calf and foot. Tallman pushed the assailant away and took cover nearby. The assailant struggled to his feet, grabbed money, and fled. He was later arrested. The server was not injured. Tallman’s son was treated for his wounds and recovered.


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