Angel Darlene Fiorini and Matthew Paul Burson helped to rescue Gianna E. Fiorini from a burning building, Burson also rescuing Fiorini, in Newman Lake, Wash., on Oct. 28, 2016.
Gianna, 7, was in the bedroom of a burning mobile home when fire broke out in the kitchen. Fiorini, 32, homemaker and Gianna’s mother, removed Gianna’s brother and sister from the home and then re-entered for Gianna. Fiorini went first to her hands and knees then to her stomach and moved toward the bedroom through the thick, black smoke and blistering heat.
Once inside the bedroom she removed Gianna from a bed and put her on the floor, then dragged her toward the front door. Fiorini stopped several feet from the door and briefly released Gianna to open it. Fiorini lost consciousness as she returned to Gianna.
Matthew Paul Burson, 45, registered nurse of Spokane Valley, Wash., arrived on the scene and entered the home, crawling until he reached Fiorini, who was unconscious. Burson moved Fiorini to the door and took her outside, where she regained consciousness.
Burson re-entered the home and found Gianna, who was also unconscious, and removed her from the home, where she regained consciousness.
Flames extended out the doorway minutes after they were away from the home, which was shortly engulfed by flames. Gianna was hospitalized for smoke inhalation and severe burns to her body. Fiorini was hospitalized several weeks for severe lung damage from smoke inhalation and severe burns to nearly half of her body. Burson sustained burns to his hands and knees; he recovered.
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