Winston C. Keeffe, 26, wholesale meat dealer, died subsequent to saving Albert H. Hardin, 35, automobile mechanic, from drowning, Falco, Alabama, April 3, 1949. A speed-boat driven by Hardin with Keeffe aboard capsized in Blue Pond 500 feet from the bank, throwing them into cold water 25 feet deep. Hardin, who could not swim, rose 18 feet from the boat, only the bow of which floated above water, gasped for aid, and was submerged briefly. Keeffe, who was fully clothed, swam 20 feet to him. Hardin struggled, causing Keeffe to be submerged briefly; and Keeffe then towed him to the bow. After clinging to it momentarily, Hardin lost his hold and was submerged. Keeffe pulled him to the surface and pushed him to the bow, Hardin obtaining a secure hold. Telling Hardin he would go to shore for help, Keefe began swimming toward the bank. After swimming 350 feet, Keeffe alternately rose and submerged several times at the same place. He then failed to reappear and was drowned. Hardin was picked up by a boat and brought ashore, where he collapsed but recovered.
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