William R. Joyner rescued Harold W. Peavy, Sr., from assault, Fort Valley, Georgia, January 14, 1994. After going to his car, which was parked in the lot of a bank, Peavy, 83, was approached by a man who was carrying an 18-inch machete. The man forced his way into the car and, in an ensuing struggle with Peavy, struck him with the machete, inflicting cuts to his hands and arms. In his vehicle parked nearby, Joyner, 36, animal control officer, saw the assault. He immediately ran to Peavy’s car and grasped the assailant. As Joyner and the assailant then struggled, the assailant struck Joyner with the handle of the machete. The assailant escaped Joyner’s grasp and fled but was apprehended by police who arrived shortly. Peavy was taken to the emergency room, where his lacerations were sutured. Joyner also was treated at the emergency room, for contusions. Both men recovered.
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