William B. Main saved Pauline C. Fekete, 12, from drowning, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, August 14, 1932. While swimming in the Susquehanna River, Pauline became frightened and drifted with the current in water 10 feet deep. Main, 59, road inspector, who was almost fully dressed and had not swum for 20 years, waded from the bank and swam 135 feet to Pauline, reaching her soon after another man, who had aided her briefly, left her and swam to the bank. Main took hold of Pauline, and she threw her arms around his neck, both being submerged. Main broke her hold, and they rose side by side. Pauline again attempted to grasp him, but he took hold of her bathing-suit and began to swim toward the bank. They soon were submerged by Pauline’s weight, and Main, holding her, sprang up and toward the bank. Then three or four times he allowed himself to drop to bottom, each time springing up and pushing Pauline nearer the bank. Main became so exhausted that he doubted whether he could reach wadable water. A rowboat then reached them, and they were taken to the bank. 32421-2749
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