Thomas H. Long saved an unidentified man and his son from drowning, Nanakuli, Hawaii, January 25, 1970. In the Pacific Ocean a boy, about 4, was carried away from shore by a strong undertow. His father, about 33, swam to the boy but then could make no progress shoreward with him and called for help. Long, 23, U.S. Navy yeoman, entered the rough surf and, in breakers four to eight feet high, swam to the man and his son, who were about 100 feet from the beach in water 15 feet deep. With the man holding his son, Long began towing them toward shore. A wave submerged all three persons. Long lost his hold on the man and his son but quickly regained it and took them to the surface. He then continued shoreward with them. Long was winded and tired by the time he had towed the man and his son to wadable water about 10 feet from the beach.
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