Terry Mitchum helped to rescue Randy Shirley from assault, Lavonia, Georgia, February 3, 2000. In an arrest attempt following a high-speed chase, Shirley, 45, a police chief, struggled to keep his revolver from being seized by a man who had just robbed a bank. Having accompanied Shirley on the chase to provide directions, Mitchum, 34, store manager, left Shirley’s police car upon hearing the gun fire. As he did so, he saw that Shirley was being nearly overpowered by the robber, and he heard Shirley call out for help. Mitchum ran to the men and tackled the robber, falling with him into a briar patch, the robber landing atop Mitchum. They struggled briefly, or until Shirley and two other officers then arriving subdued and apprehended the robber. Shirley and Mitchum received cuts and scratches about the head and neck, but they recovered.
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