Sui Sang Lo helped to rescue Kathrine Foster from burning, Richmond, British Columbia, August 2, 2000. Ms. Foster, 26, was trapped in the back seat of a car that burst into flame during a violent, multi-vehicle highway accident. The car came to rest facing another of the involved vehicles, which also had burst into flame, its driver killed. Traveling on the same highway, Lo, 48, furniture company operator, arrived at the scene and stopped. He approached the burning cars, finding Ms. Foster conscious in the wreckage and moving her arms. Despite flames on the front of that car that were spreading to its rear and entering it, Lo attempted to open a passenger-side door, but it was jammed. He and another man who had responded to the burning car then pulled Ms. Foster from the wreckage and carried her away not more than a minute before an explosion at the car engulfed it with flames. Two other occupants of the car died at the scene. Ms. Foster required lengthy hospitalization for treatment of extensive and severe burns and other injuries. Lo also required medical treatment, for a minor burn to his face and lacerations to his right arm. He recovered.
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