Stephen P. Hanson helped to save Roger J. Steinbring, Jr., from burning, Shawano, Wisconsin, December 8, 2006. Steinbring, 32, was the driver of a pickup truck that, at night, left the highway, struck the rocky hillside adjoining it, and then, breaking into flame in its engine area, overturned onto its passenger side. He lay unconscious inside the cab, which had separated from the vehicle’s frame but lay close to it. Approaching on the same highway, Hanson, 46, laser operator, witnessed the accident. He stopped at the scene, proceeded to the truck, and, to gain access to the cab, punched a hole in the windshield and started to remove it. Another motorist joined him, and together the men dislodged the windshield. After the other man pulled Steinbring partway out of the cab, Hanson leaned through the windshield opening and freed Steinbring’s legs, which were caught by the dashboard. The men then pulled Steinbring the remaining distance from the cab and dragged him away before flames grew to engulf its interior. Steinbring was hospitalized for treatment of his injuries, and Hanson went to the hospital for observation.
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