Roy D. Littlefield died attempting to save Louis J. Kloesel from drowning, Cedar Bayou, Texas, February 14, 1934. While attempting to cross Cedar Bayou on a fallen tree, Kloesel, 61, fell into water 20 feet deep and drifted in a current of 2 m.p.h. After a man holding to a strong vine swam to Kloesel and was grasped by him, he got free and returned to the bank. Littlefield, 38, labor sub-foremen, who was fully clothed, then dived from the bank to Kloesel, who was eight feet from the bank, and took hold of him. Kloesel threw one arm around Littlefield’s neck and with the other grasped another man who had dived to him. The other man broke away from Kloesel and returned to the bank after the three were briefly submerged. Kloesel then threw his free arm around Littlefield’s neck. While Littlefield tried to break Kloesel’s hold, they drifted a few feet farther and then sank and were drowned.
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