Ronald A. Link, 27, sheet metalworker, saved Patricia A., 12, and William J. Larrabee, 11, from drowning, Meridean, Wisconsin, July 16, 1965. While wading in the Chippewa River, Patricia and William lost their footing and were swept into deep water. They shouted for help as they were submerged intermittently, swallowing considerable water. Their mother, who could not swim, also shouted for help. Link ran 300 feet to the water and undressed to his underwear. Partly winded and with his legs noticeably tired, he waded and swam diagonally across the current and reached Patricia 80 feet from the bank, where she was floundering weakly. Link took hold of Patricia and towed her 80 feet to her mother, who was near the bank. By then William had disappeared. Moving diagonally across the current, Link swam 85 feet and then continued 25 feet farther with his face underwater. He probed and located William, who was inert. Link brought William to the surface, towed him 90 feet to the bank, and revived him.
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