Rochelle S. Makowsky assisted in an attempt to save John Faldich from drowning, New York, New York, August 12, 1962. Faldich, 66, while fishing fell into the Hell Gate Channel of the East River, where he called for help as the strong current carried him away from the bank and into water at least 30 feet deep. Mrs. Makowsky, 54, homemaker, ran 75 feet to the steep bank, descended it, and entered the water fully clothed. She drew away from the bank with difficulty because of a strong set of the current and then swam toward Faldich, who by that time had lost consciousness and was floating 75 feet from the bank. Soon afterward a motorboat approached to within 75 feet of Faldich, and a man who was a good swimmer dived from the craft. After swimming 160 feet, Mrs. Makowsky reached Faldich at the same time the man from the boat arrived. Mrs. Makowsky, who was badly winded, and the man trod water as they supported Faldich while the set of the current carried them 200 feet to near the bank. Others aided them from the water by means of a rope. Faldich could not be revived.
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