Robert Galbraith, 14, schoolboy, saved Charles T. Slatten, 45, well driller, from drowning, Noel, Missouri, July 15, 1913. Slatten got caught in a very strong whirlpool in the Elk River, 50 feet from the bank, where the water was 10 feet deep, and could not get out of it. Robert, who had only a few minutes before helped his father out of the same place, swam to him with water wings. Persons at the scene called to him repeatedly to keep away from Slatten, who was struggling, but he swam close to Slatten and put the water wings under Slatten’s arms. Within a minute a boy in a skiff reached the spot. Slatten held to the skiff, and Robert got into it. The boy and Robert paddled, pulling Slatten from the whirlpool to the bank, where Slatten became unconscious from exhaustion. He was revived. 11584-979
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