Robert Franklin Ivey, 50, carpenter, saved Leonard, 4, and attempted to save Mabel Thornton, 1, from burning, Chaska, Tennessee, November 24, 1915. Leonard and Mabel were alone in their home when the house took fire. Their mother attempted to enter the front door but was burned and was forced back. Ivey broke the rear door with an ax and entered a room filled with smoke. Flames were along the wall opposite the door. Ivey crawled on his stomach on the floor with his eyes closed and felt around with his hands. He found Leonard, who lay on the floor unconscious, 11 feet from the open door. He took hold of him and retreated toward the door. On his way out he came in contact with a bed, moved his hand over it, seeking Mabel, and then got on his feet and carried Leonard out of the house. Mabel was burned to death. Leonard revived. Ivey was burned on the palms of his hands, neck, and left ear and was disabled for a week. 16014-1566
16014 – 1566