Robert Donalt Perry helped to rescue Robert C. and Deanna M. Boer from burning, Dearborn, Michigan, July 16, 2002. Boer and his wife, both 34, were in their two-story house when an explosion of leaking natural gas occurred in the basement and severely burned them. A neighbor, Perry, 38, automotive plant supervisor, was alerted to the situation. He and another neighbor immediately ran to the house, which had been structurally compromised and from which basement flames were issuing through the windows. Escaping gas continued to burn as they entered the house, Perry through a window in the living room and the other man through the front door after kicking it in. While Perry approached Boer, who was on a couch in the living room, and dragged him to the front door, the other man proceeded into the kitchen, where he saw Ms. Boer emerge from the basement stairway. He guided Ms. Boer toward the living room, then helped Perry take Boer to the front lawn, Ms. Boer likewise removed to the safety of that point. Boer and his wife required hospitalization for treatment of extensive burns. Perry inhaled smoke, and he recovered.
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