Patrick W. Mott attempted to save Henry W. Scheller from drowning, Twin Lakes, Idaho, February 27, 2005. While ice fishing, Scheller, 74, broke through weak ice on Lower Twin Lake at a point about 700 feet from the closer bank. He shouted for help. Working outdoors at his home on that bank, Mott, 65, retired logger, heard him. As his wife called for help, Mott assembled rope and a metal dinghy and took to the ice, pushing the dinghy toward Scheller. At a point about 10 feet from him, Mott too broke through the ice, and his efforts to climb from the open water were unsuccessful. Firefighters arrived shortly and pulled Mott, then Scheller, from the water. Mott returned unaided to the bank as firefighters removed Scheller to safety there. Scheller received medical attention, and Mott was cold but uninjured.
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