Michael L. Hill saved Glenda A. Brock from drowning, Gulf Shores, Alabama, July 2, 1992. Ms. Brock, 42, was wading in the Gulf of Mexico when she was pulled away from shore by a very strong current. She struggled to return to shore but could not make progress against the current. Walking on the beach, Hill, 23, college student, was alerted to her situation. He entered the water and swam several hundred feet to her. Grasping Ms. Brock by an arm, Hill swam against the current toward shore. En route, he tired; he then started to push Ms. Brock in. When they reached a wadable depth, Ms. Brock was aided from the water by a friend. Hill crawled out of the water and collapsed on the beach. Both he and Ms. Brock were exhausted, and they required two days to recover fully.
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