Michael D. McNally rescued Kadi A. Wells from burning, Marstons Mills, Massachusetts, June 5, 2013. Wells, 25, was the passenger in a car that, in an accident, left the roadway, struck a tree head on, and caught fire at its front end. Her seat back collapsed into the rear of the passenger compartment, leaving her legs in the front-seat area. McNally, 51, disabled electrician, lived nearby and heard the crash. He ran to the scene and pulled on the front passenger door of the burning car, but it would open only a few inches. McNally then extended his upper body through the window opening of that door and pulled on Wells but lost his grip. With flames entering the passenger compartment from the front, Wells moved her legs to the back-seat area. McNally withdrew from the car but then re-entered, through the window opening of the rear passenger-side door. He grasped Wells by the ankles, pulled her through the window, and then set her on the ground and extinguished flames on her. The car, which was demolished, was shortly engulfed by flames. Wells required hospitalization for treatment of extensive injuries, including severe burns. McNally recovered from minor burns to his wrists.
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