Kristan C. Sparks, 13, schoolboy, helped to rescue Byrle G. Walker, 34, teacher, from a grizzly bear, Ashton, Idaho, June 7, 1967. Walker, assisted by Kristan and another boy, James Allen Black, was inspecting trees in a national forest when a male grizzly bear weighing at least 350 pounds approached. The two boys ran in one direction while Walker fled the other way, yelling in an attempt to frighten off the animal. The bear overtook Walker, knocked him down, and began biting him about the head. Kristan and James heard Walker screaming in pain and saw the bear mauling him. The two boys ran back to within 75 feet of the animal and tried to distract it by shouting, throwing twigs, and beating on the trunks of the trees. The bear left Walker and turned toward the boys, both of whom attempted to flee. The animal overtook first James and then Kristan, knocking each to the ground. After biting Kristan on the arm, the bear returned to James, bit him several times, and then left the scene. Kristan, who was less severely injured than the others, summoned help. He, James, and Walker, whose wounds were the most extensive were hospitalized. All recovered.