Kemrey Magnant saved Christie A. Hewson from burning, Williston, Vermont, July 16, 1988. Mrs. Hewson, 20, was unable to escape her burning car after a highway accident. Arriving at the scene just after the accident and learning that the car was occupied, Miss Magnant, 27, lumberyard assistant manager, immediately ran to the burning car and unsuccessfully attempted to open its driver’s door. Although she could not see Mrs. Hewson because of the dense smoke inside the car, Miss Magnant called to her. Mrs. Hewson then extended her hand through the driver’s window. Although the interior of the car was aflame, as was the rear exterior, Miss Magnant reached inside and pulled Mrs. Hewson, who outweighed her, upright. She then grasped Mrs. Hewson’s shoulders and pulled her out of the car through the driver’s window. Miss Magnant helped Mrs. Hewson a safe distance from the car, which shortly was engulfed in flame. Mrs. Hewson was hospitalized four days for extensive injuries.
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