Keith Knight helped to save Steven R. Marques from burning, Andover, Massachusetts, April 29, 2012. Marques, 61, was trapped in the driver’s seat of his sport utility vehicle after an accident in which the vehicle left the highway, went down an embankment, and, overturning onto its driver’s side, caught fire on its undercarriage. Another motorist, Knight, 41, a firefighter from a neighboring state, witnessed the accident. He stopped at the scene and responded to the vehicle. Reaching through its broken-out windshield, Knight pulled on Marques but realized that he was trapped in the wreckage by his legs. A third motorist, who also witnessed the accident, responded, and he joined in the effort to pull Marques from the burning vehicle. That motorist then climbed head first into the vehicle and released the driver’s seat, thereby freeing Marques. He grasped Marques by an arm and, as he backed from the car pulling him, Knight grasped the other arm, and together the men removed Marques from the car and took him to safety. Flames grew shortly to engulf the vehicle. Marques required hospital treatment for his injuries.
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