Julian Langson Lathrop, 24, student, saved Richard L. Woolbert and Philip C. Rutledge, both 11, from drowning, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 7, 1917. Philip was walking on the ice in the Charles River and broke through where the water was 12 feet deep. Richard, who was also walking on the ice, lay on his stomach and extended his hand to Philip, and the ice then gave way under Richard. The boys broke the ice at the edge of the hole in their attempts to climb out, causing the hole to become six to eight feet in diameter. Lathrop ran to the hole from the bank and purposely slid in. He grasped one boy in each arm and made several unsuccessful efforts to lift one of them upon the ice, but it broke each time. Lathrop kept his hold on the boys, and trod water. Another young man then brought a ladder and laid it to the edge of the hole, and Lathrop aided the boys upon it and was then assisted out himself. 17565-1645
17565 – 1645