Judith H. Jonas helped to rescue a boy from assault, Burbank, California, April 19, 1989. A 16-year-old boy entered a restaurant parking lot in which a large group of youths had gathered. Several of the group approached, then began to assault him; they knocked him to the pavement and inflicted injury by kicking him. Arriving at the restaurant for lunch, Mrs. Jonas, 44, teacher, saw the assault on the boy, who was bleeding profusely. She immediately ran to him, identifying herself as a teacher and ordering the assailants to stop, and, when she attempted to restrain the assailants physically, she herself was knocked to the pavement. Her intervention allowed the boy to escape to a nearby police officer, after which the assailants dispersed. The boy required hospital treatment for injuries, as did Mrs. Jonas, who sustained contusions to her head and lower back and lower-back strain.
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