John P. Ikenberry rescued Thomas W. Kelly from burning, State College, Pennsylvania, January 12, 2000. Kelly, 66, was in his one-story house after fire broke out in the kitchen. Walking in the neighborhood, Ikenberry, 31, company president, who lived nearby, smelled smoke and, with a neighbor, traced it to Kelly’s house, discovering the fire. After he called to Kelly through the front door and learned that he was in the burning house, Ikenberry entered the smoke-filled living room through the door as the neighbor left to alert help. Ikenberry penetrated the living room somewhat but had to retreat to the door for air. He then lay prone and crawled about 12 feet across the living room to Kelly, who, semiconscious, was sitting on the floor. Ikenberry grasped Kelly and crawled back to the door, dragging him, then exited the house with him. Kelly, who sustained smoke inhalation and burn injury, was taken to the hospital, then was transferred to a burn center, where he died 34 days later. Ikenberry recovered from minor smoke inhalation.
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