John Harry attempted to save LeRoy D. Winters from suffocation, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, October 17, 1917. (See case of DAVID A. CADWALADER.) When Cadwalader said he would return, Harry, 35, rockman, said he would go too. Holding his breath when he got to the gangway, he proceeded to a point in the gangway 50 feet from the entry. He then was compelled to breathe. He at once was affected by the gas and realized he would have to return to the entry. After going a few steps, he dropped to his hands and knees to conserve his strength. He was so weak that he called for assistance. When he reached the entry, a man went to him and assisted him to the place from whence he had started. Other men with safety lamps soon joined them. Three of them went to the gangway but refused to go farther. When Harry heard of this, he wished to return for Cadwalader, but his companions said he must not go. 18786-1393
18786 – 1393