John H. Lorren attempted to save Henry L. Denning from drowning, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 17, 1961. When Denning, 37, deputy county register of deeds, got into difficulty in water 30 feet deep 110 feet from a dam at the end of Sunrise Lake, Lorren, 45, deputy county tax collector, disrobed to his underdrawers and swam to Denning, who weighed 30 pounds more than he. Denning became limp as Lorren towed him 30 feet toward the dam. Lorren by then was tired and winded, and Denning slipped from his grasp and sank. Submerging three feet, Lorren located Denning and surfaced with him, but he again slipped from his grasp and sank. Lorren submerged six feet, found Denning, and with great effort brought him to the surface. Acutely winded by his exertions, Lorren called for assistance. As another man entered the water and began swimming toward them, Lorren with effort towed Denning 30 feet farther. Denning again slipped from his grasp and sank. Lorren submerged but could not locate him. Returning to the surface, he attempted to swim toward the dam but was very weak. He then floated on his back and by working his arms feebly moved to within five feet of the dam, where the man helped him secure footing. Aided by his wife, the man then moved Lorren onto the dam, where he collapsed. While the man was summoning aid, Lorren revived and started to re-enter the water to get Denning. The woman restrained him, and he collapsed again. Lorren was removed to a hospital, suffering from severe shock. He recovered in six weeks. The body of Denning later was recovered.
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