John C. Haugner, Sr., saved Anna T. Janssen from drowning, Menasha, Wisconsin, June 6, 1970. When a motorboat in which she was riding in the Fox River went out of control and began drifting toward a dam, Mrs. Janssen, 56, who could not swim, remained aboard while others jumped into the water and by various means reached safety. The boat went over the dam, and Mrs. Janssen was thrown out of the craft. She lost consciousness and was carried downstream by the strong current. Haugner, 44, insurance salesman, jumped into the water from atop a vertical wall at the bank and tried to swim to Mrs. Janssen. The current forced him downstream; but he intercepted her 40 feet from the bank in water seven feet deep. Turning Mrs. Janssen onto her back, Haugner began towing her toward the bank. The current forced him farther downstream and he began to tire, but he succeeded in reaching the wall, where he secured a hold on a projection. A man atop the wall aided in removing Mrs. Janssen from the water and then assisted Haugner in climbing out. Mrs. Janssen was revived and recovered.
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