Jerry M. Griffin, 35, crane operator, saved Bernard P. Hughes, 14, student, from drowning, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1923. Bernard was in a leaky boat, which filled with water and sank in the Conemaugh River about 80 feet from the bank. He was carried along by a swift current, threshed violently, and called for help. Griffin, who was dressed, entered the water and swam 65 feet to him. As he took hold of Bernard, the latter threw both arms around his neck and wound his legs around Griffin. With Bernard clinging to him, Griffin drifted and swam more than 200 feet, at one time going under water about 10 feet, and after the utmost effort he reached wadable water and staggered with Bernard about 15 feet to the bank. 23380-1866
23380 – 1866