James R. Munro helped to rescue Nancy J. Kozlovic from burning, Guelph, Ontario, June 24, 1998. Ms. Kozlovic, 45, was the pilot of a small airplane that, during a landing attempt, crashed into the yard of a residence and caught fire. Unable to remove her seat belt, she was trapped in the wreckage, on which flames were spreading quickly. Munro, 54, farmer, was approaching the scene in a taxi and arrived just after the crash. He ran to the right side of the plane and, stepping beneath the wing, where the plane’s fuel tanks were located, reached through the opened door into the cockpit. Despite flames by then inside the plane, Munro made repeated attempts to release Ms. Kozlovic’s seat belt. A man responding to the scene from the residence then grasped Ms. Kozlovic by the arm and, pulling forcefully, removed her from the plane to the ground. Munro and the other man extinguished flames on Ms. Kozlovic, who then walked away from the wreckage as the cockpit was engulfed by flame. Ms. Kozlovic was taken to the hospital, where she was detained several weeks for treatment of severe burns.
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