James H. Mabry saved Dorothy L. Lawler from drowning, Neptune Beach, Florida, July 12, 1943. While wading in the Atlantic Ocean, Dorothy, 17, and her sister lost their footing and drifted into water beyond their depth. There were breakers 2.5 feet high 150 feet from shore and a strong surface current that crossed an undercurrent. James, 17, schoolboy, and another boy waded from shore and swam 220 feet to Dorothy. The other boy supported her momentarily, then turned her over to James. As James took hold of her, she grabbed him. After a struggle, during which he twice freed himself from her grasp, James got hold of Dorothy and swam 210 feet to wadable water. Dorothy fainted but was revived. The other boy swam to the sister and with difficulty took her 250 feet to wadable water. 39919-3345
39919 – 3345