James C. Livingston saved Glen L. Berg from drowning, Duluth, Minnesota, July 27, 1969. While swimming in Lake Superior, Berg, 53, salesman, tried to return to shore but found he was in a channel where the current moved parallel to the beach. He floated on his back, hoping to drift out of the channel, but he lapsed into semiconsciousness before doing so. James, 15, high school student, entered the water, swam through four lines of breakers, and reached Berg in deep water 150 feet from shore. Berg still was floating on his back but was low in the water. James began towing him toward the beach. When he reached the breakers, they aided him somewhat in moving shoreward, although one breaker caused him to lose his hold on Berg briefly. James reached wadable water and, with assistance, got Berg onto the beach. Berg recovered fully.
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