H. Wayne Hix, Jr., died after helping to save Giselle Barrios from drowning, Galveston, Texas, June 30, 2001. Giselle, 11, and her brother were wading in the Gulf of Mexico when they were caught by a current and pulled into deep water. Hix, 53, retirement community director, and a friend were fishing in wadable water nearby when they observed the children struggling. They waded toward the children, Hix’s friend reaching Giselle first. The friend secured a hold of Giselle and began to take her toward shore, but he encountered difficulty and shouted for help. From a point in wadable water, Hix swam to them and took Giselle from his friend, who continued toward shore. After advancing with Giselle, Hix too encountered difficulty and yelled for help. His friend returned to them and once again took Giselle, and other men responded and took Giselle the remaining distance to shore. Hix lost consciousness. He was pulled by his friend and others to shore, where resuscitation was attempted. Taken to the hospital, he was pronounced dead of drowning. Giselle’s brother also drowned.
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