G. Daniel Lankford, 27, car inspector, saved Clarence A. Dozier, 35, passenger conductor, from being run over by a train, Dallas, Texas, June 7, 1913. Dozier fell from the end of a passenger train backing at a speed of about 6 m.p.h. His head struck north of the north rail, rendering him unconscious, and his feet were between the rails. Lankford was running flush with the end of the train at the south side. He instantly sprang to the middle of the track and grabbed Dozier’s feet, one in each hand. The end of the train struck his shoulder when, with no pause in his movements, he continued west and north dragging Dozier off the track. As he cleared the track with Dozier, the end of the train passed him. The train was stopped with the end of the car 20 feet beyond where Dozier had fallen. 11092-946
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