Fatmata M. Kabba helped to rescue two persons from assault, Alexandria, Virginia, January 9, 2005. A 37-year-old woman was in her office on the nursing floor of a retirement home when a disturbed man entered the room with a knife and attacked her. They went to the floor, the assailant cutting her with the knife. Hearing the woman scream, a 62-year-old man, who was visiting nearby in that unit, approached the office and witnessed the attack. He grabbed the assailant and struggled with him, the assailant taking him to the floor and inflicting major cut wounds to his head and face. In another unit on the floor, Kabba, 37, nursing assistant, also heard screaming from the office and responded. She approached the woman, grasped her by the arms, and pulled her from the office. The woman fled to safety. Kabba returned to the office door and yelled at the assailant to stop his attack on the man. Distracted, the assailant turned to Kabba and, threatening her with the knife, chased her through the corridor. He inflicted knife wounds to four elderly patients before he was subdued. The man and woman were treated at the hospital for their lacerations, the man’s requiring 48 sutures. He recovered.
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