Eugene A. McNamara, Sr. rescued Mollie Whitaker from burning, Bosqueville, Texas, August 29, 1949. Miss Whitaker, 36, whose legs were paralyzed, was in the living room of a one-story house when fire broke out at a stove in the kitchen. She moved to the kitchen by jerking on the arms of her rocking chair and attempted to extinguish the fire with a cloth, but it quickly spread to the walls and floor. Heat became intense, and Miss Whitaker moved to the opposite end of the kitchen. McNamara, 70, farmer, ran 150 feet to the house and entered it. A one-year-old child also was in the house but was not observed by McNamara. He ran to the kitchen and saw Miss Whitaker huddled against a wall. Dense flames spread toward her from the other end of the room. Heat was blistering. McNamara ran to Miss Whitaker, who screamed that she was being burned, and took hold of her wrists. McNamara with great effort succeeded in dragging Miss Whitaker, who was 30 pounds heavier than he, to a doorway leading outside. He dragged her through the doorway, passing within 18 inches of flames rising from the floor to the ceiling, and away from the house. McNamara then heard a child cry and ran to the front porch. He carried the child, who had crawled from the living room, a safe distance from the house, which collapsed five minutes later. Miss Whitaker was severely burned and was hospitalized for three months but recovered. The child sustained serious burns but recovered. McNamara was fatigued and sustained slight burns but quickly recovered. 3661-41807
41807 – 3661