Edward J. Garlinghouse died after helping to save Kimberly Waldridge and Jasmine Chapman from drowning, Palm Beach Shores, Florida, February 9, 2013. Kimberly and Jasmine, both 10, were playing near the waterline at an Atlantic Ocean beach when a breaker took them into the surf, and a strong current carried them farther out. From nearby, Jasmine’s father and two other men, including Garlinghouse, 44, carpenter, immediately ran into the water and swam out to the girls, reaching them at a point about 150 feet from shore. Although the men tried to swim back to shore with the girls, the current took them to a point about 300 feet out, where water was about 30 feet deep. As they trod water, the men rotated the girls among them, giving each man a chance to rest. A boater who had been alerted from nearby responded after several minutes and took Kimberly and the other man aboard, and a police boat that arrived shortly rescued Jasmine and her father. Garlinghouse submerged about then and did not resurface. The boats made several passes to locate him but were unsuccessful, and the search was continued by other responding units. Jasmine, her father, Kimberly, and the other man were returned to shore, where they were examined by paramedics. Garlinghouse was not found.
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