Don Lee Hoven died helping attempt to save Cecil L. Collette from drowning, Duluth, Minnesota, August 15, 1993. Cecil, 13, was caught in turbulent water in a narrow section of Miller Creek lined by steep, rock walls. Drops in the creek’s bed and runoff from heavy rain, swelling the stream, created a swift current. Cecil called for help. From a point on the bank nearby, Hoven, 23, immediately entered the creek and swam to Cecil. Hoven, Cecil, and a friend of Hoven’s who had also entered the creek in a rescue attempt struggled together against the turbulent water to secure themselves. The current soon separated them and swept Hoven and Cecil downstream, to where the creek widened and its depth diminished. Cecil exited the creek on his own. When Hoven was removed, he could not be revived; he died of drowning. Hoven’s friend was secured in the creek by another man until firefighters arrived and rescued both.
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