Clarence B. Ellsworth, Jr., 14, schoolboy, rescued William Christy, 73, farmhand, from an enraged bull, Fairport, New York, July 20, 1944. After driving cows into a barn and while closing a sliding door from the outside, Christy was attacked and knocked to the ground by a bull, which then pushed its head against him as he lay against the half-closed door. Clarence entered the barnyard and saw Christy and the bull. Although he knew the bull was troublesome and was usually handled by use of a pitchfork, he picked up a broom handle from the ground, stepped six feet to within two feet of the bull, and struck it on the nose. The bull bellowed and wheeled toward Clarence, who leaped three feet backward to avoid it. Christy then crawled into the barn. The bull lowered its head as if about to charge; and Clarence again struck it on the nose with the broom handle, which slipped from his grasp. The bull lunged toward him, but Clarence ran into the barn and closed the door. Before it was quite closed, the bull struck the door with its head and then bellowed and pawed the ground. Christy sustained severe injuries but recovered. 40391-3447
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