Christopher J. Lyons died attempting to save Tyshon H. Hawkins from drowning, Asbury Park, New Jersey, July 31, 2006. Tyshon, 13, was swimming in the Atlantic Ocean when a strong seaward current took him, and two other swimmers, farther from the beach. Unsuccessful in his attempt to swim back to shore, he called out for help. From another party on the beach, Lyons, 40, entered the water and swam toward Tyshon. Both were carried farther out, to the end of a rock jetty that extended 250 feet into the water at the scene. Lyons submerged at about that point. Tyshon made his way to the opposite side of the jetty and swam safely to shore, where he was tended by paramedics. Lyons was found in the water along the jetty, also on its opposite side, and was removed to shore by rescue personnel. He was taken to the hospital but could not be revived, as he had drowned. The other two victims were aided ashore by another man.
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