Charles B. Hammond rescued Walter P. Kinel from an attack by a bull, Boonville, New York, May 5, 1973. In an enclosed barnyard, Kinel, 45, was knocked down by a bull, which pinned him to the muddy ground and prodded him in the chest and hip areas with its horns. Kinel had sustained serious wounds by the time Hammond, 37, dairy farmer, arrived. Approaching the bull as it continued mauling Kinel, Hammond grabbed it by the horns. He twice was bucked backward by the bull, which moved away from Kinel. With a pitchfork he found lying in the barnyard, Hammond jabbed the bull as he led it farther from Kinel. When Hammond picked up a heavy board and struck the bull on the head, it ran into the barn. Kinel was hospitalized and recovered.
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