Catherine La Pierre died attempting to save Colleen Hagarty from drowning, Pembroke, Ontario, July 16, 1961. Colleen, 8, who could not swim, was wading in the Indian River and got into water beyond her depth. She was submerged intermittently as she struggled to stay afloat, her efforts and the current carrying her into water 20 feet deep 15 feet from the bank. Although she could not swim, Miss La Pierre, 18, housekeeper, attempted to reach Colleen from wadable water but was unable to do so. She then lunged into the deep water and made brief contact with Colleen before being submerged. Miss La Pierre twice returned to the surface briefly and then did not reappear. Colleen ceased struggling and, floating inert, drifted toward the opposite bank. The fathers of Miss La Pierre and Colleen entered the water fully clothed and attempted to aid their daughters. Both got into difficulty in the deep water. Miss La Pierre’s father was able to return to wadable water, but Colleen’s father sank and did not reappear. By then Colleen had drifted to within three feet of the opposite bank, from where a 17-year-old youth drew her from the water, barely conscious. She was revived and recovered. The bodies of Colleen’s father and Miss La Pierre later were recovered.
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