C. Douglas Metcalf, 36, carpenter, saved Robert A. Haynes, 27, warehouseman, from suffocation, Dalton, Georgia, April 28, 1930. Haynes entered a compartment of a tank and was overcome by gasoline fumes. After men had refused to enter the tank, Metcalf tried to hold his breath and slid down a rope, which was held by men at the manhole. He quickly tied the rope around Haynes, and Haynes was drawn out, Metcalf aiding somewhat by lifting and pushing. The rope was lowered to Metcalf, who felt himself becoming weak from the fumes, and he grasped it, winding it around his wrist. He then was pulled upward, and as he was being drawn through the manhole, the rope began to slip from his grasp. Men took hold of his arms and drew him out of the tank. He was dizzy and weak. Haynes recovered.
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