Bruce A. Hornecker saved Lee Geller from burning, Millburn, New Jersey, November 29, 2002. Ms. Geller, 92, was in her second-floor apartment, which filled with smoke after fire erupted in the apartment below. An off-duty firefighter who lived nearby, Hornecker, 45, was alerted to the fire and responded to the scene, where he learned that Ms. Geller had not exited. Hornecker entered the building and climbed the stairs to the second floor, where dense smoke precluded any visibility. He crawled to the open door of Ms. Geller’s apartment and continued into the kitchen, calling to Ms. Geller. Brushing against her feet, Hornecker found Ms. Geller standing in the kitchen. He stood, picked her up, and carried her out of the apartment and through the dense smoke down to the first floor. They exited the building. Hornecker then re-entered and forced open the door to the first-floor apartment. He crawled inside, calling to anyone who might be there. Repulsed by smoke, he retreated. Both Ms. Geller and Hornecker were treated for smoke inhalation at the scene, and Hornecker was hospitalized overnight for additional treatment. He recovered.
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