Brendon D. Malovrh saved an indeterminate number of people from assault, State College, Pennsylvania, September 17, 1996. A woman armed with a rifle and a hunting knife concealed herself in a planting of trees and bushes in a corner of a large, open lawn on a university campus. Firing several times, she killed one student and wounded another. Malovrh, 21, college student, was walking nearby when he heard the shots. He approached the sniper’s position to investigate, then made eye contact with her as she appeared to be reloading the rifle. The sniper leveling the rifle at him, Malovrh rushed her and removed it from her grasp. The sniper then attempted to stab Malovrh but wounded herself in the encounter and fell to the ground. Malovrh secured the weapons then tended to the sniper’s wound. She was arrested by police, who arrived shortly.
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