Arthur B. Hearn rescued Gloria M. Jones from assault, Chicago, Illinois, February 17, 1996. Ms. Jones, 64, was at work in a dry cleaning store when a man entered and, producing a gun, jumped over the counter and announced a robbery. He struck Ms. Jones in the head with the gun, then forced her to the rear of the store, Ms. Jones screaming for help. Hearn, 69, barber, was in his adjoining shop when he heard Ms. Jones. He immediately responded to the dry cleaning store and approached the assailant. Holding a gun to Ms. Jones’s head, the assailant threatened both Hearn and Ms. Jones, and he then pointed the gun at Hearn and shot him in the knee. Hearn struggled against the assailant, knocking the gun from his grasp and freeing Ms. Jones. The assailant retrieved the gun and fled but was apprehended by police, who arrived shortly. Ms. Jones required hospital treatment for injury sustained in the assault, and Hearn was hospitalized two days for treatment of his gunshot wound, which required surgery. He recovered.
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