Arthur A. Hilberg died attempting to save John R. Delaney from drowning, Battle Ground, Washington, March 10, 1933. While Delaney, 47; Hilberg, 48, crusher tender; and another man were riding in a rowboat on East Fork of the Lewis River, Delaney grasped a cable that extended from bank to bank three feet above the water, and the boat capsized, throwing Hilberg and the other man into water seven feet deep. Delaney held to the cable. The boat drifted away from the three. Hilberg swam 60 feet to wadable water five feet from a sandbar, and the other man swam to the bank. As Hilberg waded toward the bar, he looked around. Delaney had released his hold of the cable and was drifting toward the bar. Hilberg, who was heavily clothed and was wearing rubber boots fastened to his hips, took a step or two to water to his shoulders, and as Delaney was about to drift past the bar, Hilberg took a step toward him and threw his arms around his shoulders. They drifted several feet and then disappeared. Both were drowned. 33023-2803
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